Tuesday 18 August 2009

A bit of fun with a 35mm F1.8Lens

This isn't a true macro shot but rather illustrates just how flexible some of the lenses in your bag may be. The Nikon 35mm F1.8G DX is one of those.

This was shot in weak interior light at ISO 400 using an aperture of F2 and shutter speed of 1/80th sec.

As long as you get close the lens is capable of excellent subject isolation, despite its modest focal length.

Unlike some lenses I find it works well wide open and is pretty sharp, certainly towards the middle of the frame.

The possibilities provided by a really fast aperture and the excellent high ISO capability of modern cameras are almost limitless for people far more creative than me.

What experience I do have has taught me to value high speed lenses for their versatility in low light, subject isolation and razor sharpness stopped down.

In this case the versatility comes in a relatively budget lens and it soon became one of my favourites. The 35mm length on DX (crop sensor) cameras is equivalent to 52mm on a 35mm or full frame camera, so its the "new" 50mm all-purpose lens.

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