I rarely use a full frame camera for macro shooting, probably because it offers 1.5x less effective magnification than my D300 with its DX or APS size sensor. This means its easier to fill the frame of a D300 with a subject when working a bit further away, which is good for active and easily spooked bugs like dragonflies.
The D300 is a good APS macro camera with a relatively bright 100% coverage viewfinder, which makes focus reasonably easy. With its performance in low light being very good, but still short of the full-frame camera, I tend to limit my ISO to 400 on almost all shots (a few very successful shots at ISO 800), which for photographing bugs, usually means using flash to get enough light.
For my recent couple of excursions with the full-frame D700 I chose the Carl Zeiss 100 F2 Macro Planar lens, as I was keen to use it for more bug shots and love its optical and mechanical qualities. With the D700 it gives a very different formula to the D300/Sigma 150mm combination.
The D700/ Zeiss combo of course restricts the working distance and magnification very notably, especially as the Zeiss "only" goes to 1:2, so you need stealth and more cooperative subjects if you get close. It tends to inspire more environmental portraits where the animal is a smaller part of the composition. Technically this combo gives greatly enhanced possibilities for working in natural light by using higher ISO values and the big bright viewfinder is a revelation for focus, as its easy to see detail very clearly. I had little trouble focusing at F4 for the demoiselle shot. Even the best APS cameras have viewfinders with the appearance of looking down a tunnel in comparison. As there is no multiplier for effective focal length on full frame, a lower shutter speed is acceptable, making the combo less prone to camera shake. As a result of these factors my "hit-rate" was much improved.
I love macro shooting and its interesting to try different combinations of equipment to add some variety to my style of shooting and hopefully to add a different character to at least some of the shots. Having less magnification but other advantages certainly made me more aware of trying to compose some shots with environmental elements as well as the subject, which can only be good for creativity.
I haven't tried flash yet on the D700 and Zeiss lens...I will report if and when I do!